RAPID TEST : Sejumlah pedagang di Pasar Jamu Nguter, Kabupaten Sukoharjo mengikuti rapid test yang digelar Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 Kabupaten, Kamis (28/5/2020).

SUKOHARJO (SUARABARU.ID) – Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 Kabupaten Sukoharjo menggelar rapid test  di pasar tradisional dan pasar modern, Kamis (28/5/2020). Berdasakan data Gugus Tugas, rapid test hari ini dilaksanakan di Pasar Jamu Nguter, Pasar Bekonang, Pasar Kartasura,  Swalayan Mitra, dan Swalayan Jumbo Telukan.

Untuk Pasar Jamu Nguter, rapid test dilakukan oleh Puskesmas Nguter. Dari pantauan di lokasi, petugas hanya mengambil sampel darah lalu proses pengujian dilakukan di Puskesmas. Pengujian sendiri menggunakan serum agar lebih akurat. Hasil dari rapid test tersebut akan diketahui 30 menit setelahnya.

Puluhan pedagang sendiri terlihat antre dengan tertib untuk mengikuti rapid test tersebut. Mereka mengaku tidak takut untuk ikut rapid test. Namun sebelum ditest, petugas mengecek suhu tubuh para pedagang. Lestari, salah satu pedagang mengaku tidak ada perasaan takut sama sekali. “Biasa saja, tidak takut. Yakin saja negatif,” ujarnya.

Hal senada diungkapkan Teguh Santoso. Pedagang warga Desa Nguter tersebut juga mengungkapkan ketidaktakutannya mengikuti rapid test corona tersebut. “Rasah wedi, dites kok wedi,” ujarnya.

Jubir Percepatan Penanganan Corona Sukoharjo, Yunia Wahdiyati mengatakan, hari ini target rapid test dilakukan pada 500 orang. Rapid test dilakukan di sejumlah pasar tradisional dan juga toko modern. Di tiap lokasi mininal kuota 50 orang. Rencananya rapid test di pasar dan toko modern akan dilakukan dua kali.

“Menjelang Lebaran lalu aktivitas masyarakat di pasar dan toko modern sangat tinggi, untuk itu kami melakukan rapid test untuk memastikan ada tidaknya penularan virus,” ujarnya.

Pihaknya berharap dengan raid test yang masif ini bisa melacak orang yang terdeteksi positif corona. Sehingga penangannya akan lebih mudah dan tidak menyebar ke yang lain.



  1. Issues may be contrasted with tactical puzzles typically found in chess columns or magazines during which the task is to seek out the most effective transfer or sequence of moves (normally resulting in mate or achieve of material) from a given place.

  2. Round 3:10 p.m. EDT, an outflow-modified cold entrance formed over south-central Kentucky, northwest Pennsylvania, and central Ohio, carrying the risk of isolated wind gusts, hail, and scattered thunderstorms.

  3. However, as most of the writers for the Eighth Doctor Adventures had additionally written for the Virgin series, many components from the brand new Adventures started to look in each the EDAs and the Past Doctor Adventures (which replaced the Missing Adventures), and such continuity has been broadly maintained.

  4. Brooker knew his agents needed to be prepared for anything, so he engaged in unorthodox training methods, like interrupting college students’ classroom sessions with mock gun battles then making them recall details about the incident, such because the number of shots fired or what the assailants had been sporting.

  5. This special transitional “satisfactory pace” is calculated by the Commission individually for each of the concerned member states, and is published to them in form of a figure for: The annually required Minimum Linear Structural Adjustment (MLSA) of the deficit in each of the 3 years in the transition period – ensuring the compliance with the new debt brake rule by the end of the transition period.

  6. Although the Stern assessment obtained a blended response by way of his approach prime discounting uncertainty and the fee being borne far in the future, the research goes some option to illustrating the potential costs and advantages of taking or not taking motion.

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  8. Consider the following example, where we received a system from an aspiring developer a while back in which the past year’s hypothetical profits were reported as $106,400; but which came out to -$24,625 for the same time period when we did the testing with our own slippage and commission numbers included.

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  10. In keeping with the reference quoted under, ‘it is said that Nettlestead church owes its monumental stained glass windows to a 15th-century Agincourt veteran who came again from France very impressed with what had already been accomplished with stained glass decoration for churches there.

  11. The rationale why massive cap stocks gives dividend to shareholder is as a result of sometimes there are limits on business growth by local government imposed on blue chip stocks and this is done to protect the government subsidiaries from being lost or being overtaken by such blue chip stocks.

  12. The thought of feeling “underneath the weather” is as outdated as Hippocrates, one of the fathers of Western medicine, who recorded that certain illnesses seemed to worsen under particular meteorological situations.

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  14. 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e3 c5 5.Nf3 Nc6 6.a3 dxc4 7.Bxc4 cxd4 8.exd4 Be7 9.0-0 0-zero 10.Be3 Bd7 11.Qd3 Rc8 12.Rac1 Qa5 13.Ba2 Rfd8 14.Rfe1 Be8 15.Bb1 g6 16.Qe2 Bf8 17.Red1 Bg7 18.Ba2 Ne7 19.Qd2 Qa6 (White has been vacillating with no clear technique in view.


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