TEGAL (SUARABARU.ID) – The tourist attraction facilities for the pride of the people of Tegal City, Pantai Alam Indah (PAI) are now increasing with the presence of the Sakila Kerti Digital Public Library. The library, which is located on Jalan Sangir, the Tegal City PAI Tourism Complex, was inaugurated by the Mayor of Tegal, Dedy Yon Supriono, Friday (09/09/2022).
The Head of Coastal Management, Yusqon, expressed his gratitude to the Tegal City Government for all their support. “He, the Mayor of Tegal cares about non-formal education. He also signed an ambassador for reading in Tegal City,” said Yusqon.
Meanwhile, the representative of the National Library of Indonesia, Nelwaty expressed his admiration that the City of Tegal has massive literacy in the fishing area.

“We continue to encourage literacy for welfare, this TBM is an extension of the National Library of Indonesia, this can be used as a place for discussion, community gatherings, technical guidance and various activities. Message from the National Library of Indonesia is that libraries have a new paradigm, 10 percent book collection, 20 percent knowledge , knowledge transfer is 70 percent,” said Nelwaty.
The Mayor of Tegal, Dedy Yon Supriyono, thanked the literacy activists. “It is rare for literacy events to be commemorated like this, this is an important thing. Knowledge is very important, so the Tegal City Government program should not allow people to be illiterate and drop out of school,” said Dedy Yon.
The mayor also called on all people to create a smart generation. “I call for, let’s print the younger generation, our children and grandchildren must be smarter than their ancestors, must be higher in education than their parents,” added Dedy.
Dedy also hopes that there are no people who drop out of school and that in every sub-district, it is hoped that there will be education packages and eradication of illiteracy.
Also attending were the Head of the Tegal City Police AKBP Rachmat Hidayat SS, the Head of the BNN of the City of Tegal Sudirman, the Acting Secretary of the City of Tegal dr Sri Primawati Indraswari, the Head of the Education and Culture Office M Ismail Fahmi, the Head of the Satpol PP City of Tegal Hartoto.