
JENG Minul, isteri Djo Koplak, setiap pagi sering ribut membangunkan Djo dari tidur, karena sang suami sering bangun kesiangan, sehingga kelabakan ketika akan berangkat ke kantor. Pukul 06.00 baru bangun, pukul 07.00 tepat harus sudah sampai di kantornya, di Jalan Pemuda Semarang. Jadi mesti gedhubrakan.

Makanya, Jeng Minul yang kebiasaannya bangun pagi-pagi jam 05.00, sekitar jam 05.30 sudah mulai start meneriaki Djo agar segera bangun. Kebiasaan Djo yang bangun siang ini, karena waktu malam hari tidurnya pun terlalu larut.

Maklum, hampir setiap malam Djo sering duduk-duduk di Pos Kamling depan rumahnya, sambil ngobrol ngalor ngidul bersama tetangga, sampai dini hari. Jam 01.00 atau 01.30, Djo baru masuk rumah dan tidur.

Suatu pagi, Jeng Minul yang bangun pukul 05.00 mengais sisa-sisa nasi yang ada di warmer jar (atau penghangat nasi) yang terletak di atas meja makan. Nasi itu sisa makan malam sebelumnya. Sisa nasi itu ditempatkan di tampah atau tampir untuk dijemur. Setelah kering, nantinya bakal menjadi nasi aking, bisa digoreng jadi cemilan, atau dijual ke Yu Gembil untuk pakan ayam.

Nah, nasi yang sudah ditempatkan di tampah itu lalu dibawa keluar. Tetapi karena belum ada sinar matahari, untuk sementara ditaruhnya tampah itu di atas atap mobil Djo yang diparkir di teras rumah.

Tiba-tiba Jeng Minul teringat kalau ia harus segera membangunkan Djo. Djo pun terbangun. Setelah mandi, ganti baju dan sarapan, segera mengeluarkan mobilnya, tancap gas pergi ke kantor.

Di sepanjang perjalanan antara kawasan dari tempat tinggal Djo, hingga kantor, mobilnya sering mendapat lirikan dari pengendara lain. Bahkan seringkali beberapa gadis mengendara sepeda motor yang menyalip Djo, melirik dan tersenyum-senyum.

Ada juga pengemudi mobil lain yang tertawa lebar sambil menoleh ke arah Djo. Djo pun sempat Ge-Er, alias Gede Rasa. “Wah, dari tadi banyak yang melihatku. Pasti aku pagi ini terlihat menarik,” ujarnya dalam hati.

Setiba di halaman parkir kantor, dan turun dari mobilnya, barulah teka-teki selama perjalanan tadi terjawab. Pongkring, Satpam kantor, menghampiri Djo. “Lho mas, itu di atas mobil ada nasi aking-nya,” ujar Pongkring.

Whaduuuhh, itu sega aking isteri saya, kok katut sampai kantor. Wah, payah ini. Pantesan selama perjalanan tadi banyak orang melihat saya,” ujar Djo.

Pongkring pun cekikikan. Yang menjadikan merah padam muka Djo, banyak karyawati yang sudah sampai kantor melihat kejadian itu. “Malu aku Kring, ada sega aking ikut ke kantor,” imbuh Djo.

Widiyartono R.


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  4. This demand was met by the ruling courses with sternly repressive measures, and the socialistic Peasants’ Revolt of John Ball and Wat Tyler in 1381 was violently crushed out in blood, but it surely expressed an awesome human cry for justice which couldn’t permanently be denied.

  5. Saunders’ greatest outcomes occurred in Scarborough, where he tied for first with Edgard Colle in Section B however lost their particular person recreation, after which misplaced a play-off match to Thomas (0-2) for third prize, so lastly taking 4th place there.

  6. He is survived by his spouse, Peggy Cooper Harris of Texarkana, Tex.; two daughters, Sherri Gibson of Friendship, Tex., and Jana Morgan of Whitehouse, Tex.; his mother and father, Arnold and Wilma Harris of Beggs, Okla.; three brothers, Gene Harris of Beggs, Okla., Richard Harris of Jenks, Okla., and Larry Harris of Tulsa, Okla.; one sister, Patricia Brusso of Madison, Ala.; three grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews.

  7. On September 17, Governor Wolf and Well being Secretary Levine signed orders that effective September 21, restaurants must cease alcohol sales for on-premises consumption at 11:00 pm and must take away alcohol from tables at midnight.

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  9. Malgus was placed answerable for orbital safety, but the Sith Lord defied his orders and traveled again to Coruscant’s surface to strike in opposition to the renegade Jedi Aryn Leneer, who wanted to avenge her master Ven Zallow, killed by Malgus through the attack on the Jedi Temple.

  10. No Farmers, No Meals is pitching itself as a non-political, non-militant campaign group that seeks to “support farmers and build public opinion and support” around the kind of concerns expressed by continental farmers, said Melville – who’s the son of a farmer, a media commentator and communications specialist.

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  12. Annotating for Chessbase, David Navara wrote that Carlsen deserved the title, as he has been the number one player on the planet for a few years, but also that Karjakin deserved credit for efficiently exhibiting that it was doable to compete on even terms with Carlsen.

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  16. This benefit strives from the restriction sometimes imposed by municipal bonds enjoying triple tax exemption the place such exemptions solely apply for bond holders that reside in the state or municipal subdivision that issues them.

  17. 26 November – Minister for Well being Stephen Donnelly announced that COVID-19 booster vaccines would be offered to everybody aged 16 and over, beginning with pregnant girls aged over 16, these aged forty to 49 and those aged sixteen to 39, following new recommendations from NIAC.


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