Banggar DPRD Jateng
DPRD Jateng menggelar rapat sidang paripurna virtual dengan agenda Laporan Banggar atas Raperda Pertanggungjawaban Pelaksanaan APBD 2020, Rabu (28/7/2021).

SEMARANG (SUARABARU.ID) – Badan Anggaran Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (Banggar DPRD) Jawa Tengah memberikan 13 rekomendasi saran masukan bagi Gubernur Jateng, Ganjar Pranowo, dalam menjalankan roda pemerintahannya ke depan.


Dalam rapat sidang paripurna virtual yang dipimpin Wakil Ketua DPRD Quatly A. Alkatiri bersama Sukirman, Rabu (28/7/2021), 13 rekomendasi itu dibacakan Sekretaris DPRD Jateng yang juga menjadi sekretaris Banggar DPRD non-anggota, Urip Sihabudin.


Adapun 13 rekomendasi usulan saran masukan tersebut merupakan hasil rapat para anggota Banggar DPRD Jateng atas Raperda Pertanggungjawaban Pelaksanaan APBD Pemprov Jateng di tahun anggaran 2020.


Beberapa rekomendasi Banggar DPRD tersebut diantaranya perlunya pembenahan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD), penentuan pendapatan disesuaikan dengan pendapatan negara dalam APBN, dan perlunya dinas kesehatan memperbaiki pengelolaan obat.


“Perlunya melakukan konsolidasi/pembenahan terhadap tata Kelola PAD (system dan prosedur, meningkatkan inovasi dan update penggunaan teknologi) menekan potensi kebocoran dalam pengumpulannya dan perbaikan kinerja keuangan BUMD,” kata Urip.


Selain itu, dalam menentukan kebijakan pendapatan, hendaknya Pemerintah Daerah (Provinsi, Kota dan Kabupaten) dapat sejalan dengan kebijakan pendapatan negara dalam APBN, seperti misalnya pembebasan atau keringanan pajak dan retribusi daerah serta berbagai bentuk keringanan ke dunia usaha dan masyarakat obyek/subyek pendapatan.


blankSementara itu, untuk sumber pendapatan yang berasal dari dana transfer pemerintah pusat agar pemerintah daerah fokus pada peningkatan DID (Dana Insentif Daerah) melalui rencana aksi yang jelas dan terukur (peluangnya diatas 100 M per daerah setiap tahun).


Tak hanya itu saja, Banggar DPRD Jateng juga merekomendasikan Bapenda Jateng agar melakukan penyempumnaaan SOP pada pelayanan PKB (Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor). Melakukan perbaikan sistem dan aplikasi Sakpole yang dilakukan Bapenda dan Polda Jateng.


“Di era Pandemi Covid-19 ini perlu memberikan berbagai keringanan pajak atau retribusi kepada dunia usaha. Selain itu anggaran untuk belanja pegawai tahun 2022 agar disusun sesuai kebutuhan,” kata Sekwan membacakan rekomendasi Banggar DPRD.


blankDi bidang kesehatan, Banggar DPRD memberi rekomendasi Dinas Kesehatan agar memperbaiki pengelolaan obat di gudang farmasi Kota Semarang dan menelusuri selisih persediaan obat sebesar Rp. 686.765.640,00 yang belum dapat dijelaskan.


Dalam rekomendasi Banggar DPRD tersebut dijelaskan, saldo persediaan ada sebesar Rp. 511.593.784.744,03 naik sebesar Rp. 297.396.202.254,14 dibandingkan per 31 Desember 2019 yaitu sebesar Rp. 214.197.582.489,89.


“Dari data yang ada, sebagian besar nilai persediaan di tahun 2020 merupakan persediaan obat-obatan senilai Rp. 164,4 M lebih dan alat atau bahan untuk kegiatan kantor Rp. 314,5 M lebih,” katanya.


Oleh karena itu, Banggar DPRD merekomendasikan perlunya evaluasi atas besaran jenis persediaan obat-obatan dan persediaan alat dan bahan yang sebagian mungkin akan diserahkan ke masyarakat atau pihak ke tiga pada tempat penyimpanan persediaan tersebut.


blankDi bidang keuangan, Banggar DPRD juga merekomendasikan Pemprov Jateng agar memanfaatkan sementara uang daerah yang belum digunakan (termasuk yang di kas BLUD), agar diinvestasikan dalam jangka pendek pada rekening deposito pada bank yang dipilih


Tentunya dalam menentukan keputusan investasi ini harus dengan memperhatikan keamanan dana, bunga yang lebih menguntungkan, dan juga sistem deposito yang fleksible (sistem ARO) serta tidak mengganggu likuiditas kas daerah.


Selain itu, perlu terus dilakukan upaya yang lebih serius dalam penyelesaikan piutang-piutang pajak, sehingga tidak membebani neraca daerah dan pemerintah daerah segera dapat memanfaatkan untuk digunakan dalam menambah belanja daerah membiayai pembangunan.


Sebagai catatan, saldo aset tetap Pemprov Jateng per 31 Desember 2020 sebesar Rp. 25.972.626.841.373,76 nilainya meningkat sebesar Rp. 49,4 M atau tumbuh positif 0,1% dibanding tahun 2019, sebesar. Rp. 25.923.132.969.503,85.


“Pada dasarnya peningkatan belanja modal akan mampu mempercepat pertumbuhan aset daerah secara langsung. Untuk itu direkomendasikan agar alokasi belanja modal APBD setiap tahun hendaknya terus ditingkatkan,” kata Urip membacakan saran Banggar DPRD.


Terakhir, Banggar DPRD merekomendasikan perlu dilakukannya kajian kualitatif mengenai pertumbuhan ekonomi, data penduduk miskin, dan capaian kinerja masing masing OPD dalam rangka menentukan reward dan punishment untuk menentukan anggaran prioritas pada OPD yang terealisasi indikator target capaiannya. (adv)


  1. This was considerably fortunate, because the enlistment interval of John Glover’s regiment, along with a significant variety of others, was expiring at the top of the yr, and plenty of of these men, together with most of Glover’s, wanted to go dwelling, the place a profitable privateering commerce awaited them.

  2. The soundtrack options music from outstanding well-liked musicians of the time, being among the many movies of this technology that actively explored the industrial hyperlink between a movie and its soundtrack.

  3. In such a scenario, thunderstorms shifting throughout the ridge of a excessive-strain area feed off of each the warm, humid air of the excessive-pressure area and the adjacent jet stream winds, inflicting quickly-intensifying, unpredictable storms.

  4. The decisive error was 60.Ra4; as an alternative, 60.b4 was recommended by analysts and chess engines as the only move that results in a draw with best play, because the advancing b-pawn gives White queening threats that yield counterplay and make an change of rooks acceptable.

  5. Northern Arizona University’s weekly newspaper The Lumberjack additionally covers Flagstaff information, while the opposite publications that serve town embrace weeklies Flagstaff Reside and the Navajo Hopi Observer, and monthlies Mountain Living Magazine and The Noise.

  6. Capablanca’s resignation, in Garry Kasparov’s opinion, this game “symbolized the end of an heroic period of chess titans, dominating the sphere with their natural genius. Since this historic second the professional contact has performed a increasingly essential role as an integral part of chess, the path to final success”.

  7. Survived by his spouse, Margaret O Nutt, at the home; one son, Denny M Nutt, Coulee Metropolis; 4 sisters, Mrs Mary Lavin, Coulee City; Mrs Viola Pierpoint, Moses Lake, WA; Mrs Thelma Webley, Marcus, WA; Mrs Bonnie Wall, Seattle; one granddaughter; numerous nieces and nephews.

  8. Rob Zacny of Laptop PowerPlay, who gave the game a 7/10 rating, referred to as it a “brilliant remedy of feudalism when it comes to strategy and story” but additionally acknowledged it “requires major investment to beat info overload”.

  9. The credit goes to the leading and reputed Event Administration firms in the complete world paying their significant efforts in the direction of hosting all kinds of conferences, conferences, events, concert events and all other kinds of occasions involving social gathering.

  10. Whether or not there’s a need to assist household back at residence, give buddies a financial boost or conduct business with interests overseas, merely writing a cheque and sending it off by mail may prove counterproductive given the time concerned and the potential for trade rates to vary.

  11. Human useful resource development in India can mainly be associated with the event of a pool of extremely-capable, educated and sound workforce by optimally utilizing the existing assets and making them purchase the appropriate expertise, expertise, experience, know-how, instruments, and more via rigorously designed and advanced curriculum, excessive-tech infrastructure, job-oriented training, real-life teachings, case research, and internship among other things.

  12. Joost, a free peer-to-peer program, provides shows from MTV, Comedy Central, CBS and Cartoon Network’s “Grownup Swim.” Apple launched the Apple Television in March 2007, and the device permits you to wirelessly transmit motion pictures and Tv reveals from iTunes onto your television display.

  13. In 2010, Clarke was commissioned to design stained windows for the new Papal Chapel of the Apostolic Nunciature, the diplomatic embassy of the Holy See to Great Britain, for the 2010 go to of Pope Benedict XVI to the United Kingdom, the first-ever state visit made by a pope to Britain.

  14. Thus, the setting of central bank curiosity rates and financial easing is in the only area of the ECB, while taxation and government expenditure remain principally below the management of nationwide governments, inside the balanced funds limits imposed by the Stability and Development Pact.

  15. Core DAO is the first Turing-complete blockchain based on the Satoshi Plus consensus mechanism, which combines Bitcoin mining, hash arithmetic, and Ether Virtual Machine (EVM) to maximize security, scalability, and decentralization, with the goal of providing a high consensus and highly reliable blockchain underlying infrastructure.

  16. Survived by one son, James A Hersey, Wilbur, WA; 3 daughters, Mrs Elizabeth Martin, Spokane, Mrs Helen Blakesley, Federal Means, WA; Mrs Donna Sullivan, Davenport, WA; 2 brothers, W J Elledge, Boise, ID; J I Elledge, Nampa, ID; 2 sisters, Mrs Grace Bailey, Weiser, Idaho; Mrs Could Nyhart, Ontario, Oregon; 14 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren.

  17. The ensuing Battle of Arras demonstrated the worth of the closely armoured British Matilda tanks, as the German 37 mm anti-tank guns proved ineffective in opposition to them, and the limited raid overran two German regiments.

  18. These necessities are large ranging but embrace things like unbiased laboratory testing of product samples to confirm the presence of unique signature markers, in the required combination, present in mānuka honey earlier than it is allowed to go on sale carrying the UMF quality mark.

  19. Firms in international countries dealing in technology, marketing and technique, medical area and many different sectors can benefit loads by recruiting proficient Indian professionals and utilising their expertise as well as revolutionary pondering in varied fields.

  20. The effectiveness of quantitative easing is the subject of an intense dispute amongst researchers as it’s troublesome to separate the effect of quantitative easing from other contemporaneous economic and policy measures, resembling detrimental charges.


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