Menyusuri Jejak Kerajaan Mataram Islam di Tegalwangi Kabupaten Tegal


TEGAL (SUARABARU.ID) – Lahan seluas 1,1 hektare itu terletak di daerah Tegalwangi, Desa Pesarean Kabupaten Tegal atau sekitar 5 km dari pusat Kota Tegal ke arah selatan.

Tempat ini bukanlah lahan biasa, namun di lahan yang diberi nama Tegal Arum tersebut terdapat petilasan dan makam Raja Mataram Sunan Amangkurat I, yang pernah berjasa membangun pemerintahan Mataram serta menyebarkan ajaran Islam hingga ke wilayah Barat.

Area makam yang masih mempertahankan bangunan lama dengan pagar dinding dari bata merah masih tertata rapi, bahkan jalan setapak menuju makam telah dipaving, sehingga nampak bersih dan dibalut pepohonan yang rindang serta hamparan rerumputan, menambah lingkungan tersebut menjadi bersih dan nyaman untuk di kunjungi para peziarah yang datang secara periodik.

Bangunan yang tercatat sebagai petilasan Raja-raja Mataram ini dilindungi oleh undang-undang cagar budaya Indonesia yang harus dirawat keberadaannya.

Untuk menjaga keaslian tempat tersebut masih mempertahankan pagar dan ornamen bangunan dengan bata merah meski telah mengalami pemugaran pada 1982 dan diresmikan oleh Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Dr Daoed Joesuf.

Ornamen tersebut dipertahankan karena ada kesamaan ciri khas, seperti di kerajaan Kasultanan Plered, di Cirebon Jawa Barat. Di Plered inilah Sunan Amangkurat I pernah berkuasa.

Memasuki kompleks makam raja Mataram ini kita harus melewati tiga pintu, masing masing pintu memiliki makna filosis yang masih bercampur dengan ajaran Kejawen.

Pintu pertama dijadikan penanda awal kehidupan manusia dan pintu kedua sebagai perlambang kehidupan selanjutnya. Di pintu kedua ini juga terdapat makam keturunan Sunan Amangkurat dan orang-orang yang pernah dekat dengan Sunan Amangkurat.

Di sini banyak ditumbuhi pohon sawo kecik sebagai pertanda kebaikan dari orang-orang yang disemayamkan di tempat tersebut, sedangkan pintu ketiga merupakan pintu pembatas dunia dan akhirat.

Di pintu ini kita menuju makam utama yang berbentuk bangunan Joglo dengan dinding kayu jati yang kokoh dan terletak di gundukan tanah tinggi yang konon berbau harum.

“Sunan Amangkurat minta disemayamkan di Tegal Harum atau Tegalwangi, ya di tanah gundukan di sini karena disekelilingnya diapit dua pohon yang diberi nama Tegal Arum atau Tegal Wangi,“ tutur Ustad Luhi, salah seorang pekuncen makam sunan Amangkurat.

Sedangkan di sekitar makam utama di tanah datar disemayamkan juga Ratu atau isteri pertama Sunan Amangkurat dan dua anak Sunan Amangkurat yaitu Klenting Kuning.

“Selain itu di tempat ini disemayamkan kerabat dekat kerajaan dan juga terdapat makam pendiri Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Kardinah yaitu RA Kardinah, trah dari Adipati Reksonegoro, yang berada di sebalah barat,” tambah Ustad Luhi.

Perlu Pelurusan

Jika kita menelusuri sejarah Kanjeng Sunan Amangkurat yang sudah banyak dikenal masyarakat luas dan menurut pelurusan sejarah,  Yety Rohwulaningsih, MSi dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten Tegal bekerja sama dengan Jurusan Sejarah Fakultas Sastra Universitas Diponegoro Semarang Tahun 2004, banyak hal yang perlu diluruskan.

Misalnya ditulis bahwa Sunan Amangkurat I atau Sunan Mangkurat bukanlah nama asli namun nama ketika dilahirkan bernama Raden Mas Sayidin atau Jibus atau Rangkah yang merupakan putra ke sepuluh Sultan Agung Hanyakrakusuma, Raja terbesar dinasti Mataram.

Pada masa pemerintahannya, wilayah kekuasaan Mataram meliputi seluruh Jawa Madura (kecuali Batavia dan Banten) dan beberapa daerah di luar Jawa, seperti Palembang, Jambi, dan Banjarmasin.

Sultan Agung sendiri merupakan anak kedua dari permaisuri kedua, Raden Ayu Wetan. Sedangkan Sunan Amangkurat atau Raden Mas Sayidin dilahirkan pada tahun 1619, ibunya adalah puteri keturunan Kerajaan Batang yang menjadi permaisuri pertama menggantikan Ratu Emas Tinumpak (Kangjeng Ratu Kulon) setelah diusir dari keraton dengan alasan yang tidak diketahui. Raden Mas Sayidin memiliki saudara seibu yang bernama Raden Mas Alit.

Ketika diangkat sebagai putera mahkota Raden Mas Sayidin secara resmi diberi nama Pangeran Aria Mataram. Sejak umur 5 – 15 Tahun (1624-1634) Sunan Amangkurat I pada masa awal pemerintahannya memang dikenal sangat kontroversial pada zamannya, namun salah satu aspek yang diperhatikan adalah
bangunan fisik keraton.

Dengan demikian di beberapa daerah memiliki kesamaan ciri khas arsitektur raja mataram begitu juga ketika ia memindahkan keratonnya ke Plered Cirebon Jawa Barat.

Ia juga melakukan kebijakan untuk memperkuat posisi dan pemerintahannya serta membangun trah kerajaan disana dengan
nama kasultanan Plered, Cirebon Jawa Barat.

Pada saat memerintah kehidupan politik Sunan Amangkurat I diwarnai oleh konflik dan konspirasi politik yang berkepanjangan. Kebijakan dan perilaku politik.

Sunan Amangkurat I pada waktu itu tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan responnya terhadap situasi konflik dan persekongkolan yang terjadi. Banyak persekongkolan politik yang menurut berbagai sumber bertujuan untuk menyingkirkannya atau bahkan membunuhnya.

Persengkongkolan itu melibatkan orang-orang dekat Sunan Amangkurat I, seperti: Pangeran Purbaya, Pangeran Alit, Adipati Anom, para ulama, Pangeran Kajoran, Trunojoyo dan

Di masa ini serangkaian suksesi berdarah, yang mewarnai pergeseran kekuasaan di Jawa pasca runtuhnya imperium Majapahit. Kerajaan Mataram oleh Amangkurat I mampu menaklukkan kerajaan-kerajaan kecil yang bertebaran di wilayah Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur pasca berakhirnya imperium Majapahit.

Penaklukan ini mewariskan ketegangan politik, ekonomi, dan budaya yang berlarut-larut sesudahnya.

Pada masa pemerintahannya Amangkurat I lebih banyak mewarisi kebrutalan saja, tanpa mewarisi kreativitas dan sukses ayahnya. Kalau ayahandanya Raja Sultan Agung menaklukkan, membujuk dan melakukan manuver politik guna mencapai ambisinya, Sunan Amangkurat I hanya bisa menuntut dan membunuh.

Ia tidak menghiraukan keseimbangan politik yang diperlukan untuk memimpin negeri penuh intrik seperti Mataram pada masa itu. Ia memusatkan kekuasaan hanya untuk memenuhi kepentingannya sendiri.

Akhir Kehidupan Sang Raja 

Gaya pemerintahannya yang cenderung anarkhi (menindas), mengakibatkan raja yang bergelar Sayyidin Panatagama ini selalu dihantui ketakutan.

Dia tidak berani meninggalkan istananya di Plered yang dikawal ketat. Dia pun tidak berani mempercayakan pimpinan pasukan utama kepada orang lain.

Dengan demikian, kekejamannya sedikit demi sedikit mulai melemahkan posisinya. Kondisi ini menyebabkan para sekutu dan vasal Mataram mulai berani melawan kekuasaan Amangkurat I.

Akhir kekuasaan Amangkurat I terbilang tragis. Jeratan VOC dan pemberontakkan yang dilakukan Trunajaya — yang awalnya berkolaborasi dengan putera
mahkota, benar-benar meluluhlantakkan kekuasaannya. Dalam keadaan sakit, ia melarikan diri ke Jepara. Sialnya, di Karanganyar, rombongan raja dirampok oleh warga desa yang tidak tahu identitas mantan junjungannya tersebut.

Ia pun harus rela menyerahkan emas dan uang yang dibawanya. Hingga akhir perjalanannya yang sangat dramatis, Sunan Amangkurat Wafat 10 Juli 1677 di Winduaji dan sebelum wafat beliu meminta untuk disemayamkan di Tegalwangi, tidak jauh dari Kota Tegal kini.

Raja yang semasa jayanya pernah membantai ribuan ulama itu, dishalatkan lalu dibawa ke Tegal. Pada 13 Juli 1677, Amangkurat I dikebumikan di Tegalwangi. Pada saat itu pula tiga belas sedadu VOC menghadiri pemakamnya untuk memberi penghormatan terakhir.

– 29 Juni 1677 dari Imogiri ke Jagabaya
– 30 Juni 1677 dari Jagabaya ke Rawa
– 1 Juli 1677 dari Rawa ke Bocor (Kedu)
– 2 Juli 1677 dari Bocor ke Patanahan (Kebumen)
– 3 Juli 1677 dari Patanahan ke Nampudhadi
– 4 Juli 1677 dari Nampudhadi ke Pucang
– 5 Juli 1677 dari Pucang ke Banyumas
– 8 Juli 1677 istirahat di Banyumas, Sunan Amangkurat jatuh sakit karena kelelahan dan tertekan jiwanya
– 9 Juli 1677 dari Banyumas ke Ajibarang
– 10 Juli 1677 dari Ajibarang ke Wanayasa atau Winduaji dan di tempat itulah Sunan Amangkurat I wafat
– 11-12 Juli 1677 dari Winduaji ke Tegalwangi
– 13 Juli 1677 Sunan Amangkurat I disemayamkan di Tegalwangi atau Tegalarum.
(Sumber: Dra Yety Rohwulaningsih, M.Si : Pelurusan Sejarah Sunan Amangkurat I : Pemerintah kabupaten Tegal Bekerjasama dengan Jurusan Sejarah
Fakultas Sastra Universitas Diponegoro Semarang Tahun 2004)

Akbar Budi Hardi


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    Consistent sales every week

    And most of them are newbies

    If you’re looking for an easy beginner friendly option to earn online.

    THIS is it.

    The catch?

    You only have 48 hours to pick this up

    >>> GO here now: !

    Donald Mack

    Address: 1665 Pooh Bear Lane
    Greenville, SC 29607

  17. Hello,

    Are you ready to step into the future of web development? Neuron Expert, an advanced AI platform, is looking for skilled webmasters to collaborate on creating and managing AI-powered virtual companies. These innovative businesses leverage sophisticated AI technology to revolutionize online operations, and we need your expertise to make it happen!

    Why Join Neuron Expert?

    Innovative Projects:
    Work on AI-driven companies that redefine the way businesses operate online.

    Flexible Opportunities:
    Choose your schedule and projects.

    Competitive Earnings:
    Get paid for your expertise while contributing to groundbreaking initiatives.

    Expand Your Skills:
    Gain experience in integrating AI with web development.

    What We Need:
    • Proficiency in web development and website management.
    • Experience with various CMS platforms, plugins, themes, and customizations.
    • Passion for innovation and AI-driven solutions.

    Ready to Join?

    Take the next step and become a part of the Neuron Expert community. Together, we’ll shape the future of virtual companies!

    Click here ( to join or learn more!

    Best regards,
    The Neuron Expert Team

  18. Hey ,

    How many times have you heard, “This is the opportunity that will change everything!” – only to end up right back where you started?

    If you’re like most people, you’re tired of hearing empty promises. You’re looking for something real—something that actually works. That’s why I’m excited to tell you about my friend Sean Donahoe’s Yellow Brick Formula. This is a proven, straightforward system that his students have used again and again to see life-changing results: .

    Here’s what’s possible with this approach:

    126% gains in two weeks
    422% growth in just two days
    2,772% returns in under 48 hours
    These aren’t just random “wins”—they’re consistent results from everyday people who followed Sean’s approach. And starting tonight, he’ll show you how to make it work for you, step by step, in just 30–60 minutes a day.

    If you’ve ever wanted something reliable, something that doesn’t waste your time or money, then now’s your chance. This 5-day sprint is just $19, and it’s designed to put you on a path to results without any of the guesswork.

    Are you ready to see the proof for yourself? It’s time to break the cycle and learn something that actually works.

    [Click here to get started now!]:

    To your success,

    Ronald Holland

    P.S. This is your chance to finally try something that’s built on real results and a simple, repeatable process. Join the sprint and see how easy it can be! [Grab your spot now!]:

    Address: 1539 Lords Way
    Rutherford, TN 38369

  19. Hi,

    Have you ever dreamed of dominating Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube without ever stepping in front of a camera?

    What if I told you there’s a way to create influencers so real, people can’t tell the difference—while earning money 24/7?

    With LucidFluencerAI, this isn’t a dream—it’s your new reality:

    ✅ Instantly create lifelike virtual influencers.

    ✅ Generate viral content in seconds.

    ✅ Attract 5-figure sponsorship deals effortlessly. (Of course, you can also drive tons of traffic to your website)

    ✅ Say goodbye to showing your face or learning complex skills.

    And it doesn’t stop there! Grab LucidFluencerAI today and unlock exclusive bonuses designed to skyrocket your success:

    Viral Content Blueprint ($497 Value): Learn proven strategies to make content that captures attention and drives engagement.

    Influencer Deal Vault ($997 Value): A ready-to-use database of brands eager to pay influencers like you.

    Zero-to-Hero Workshop ($1,497 Value): A step-by-step guide to help you see results on Day 1—even with zero experience.

    Profit Accelerator Guide ($497 Value): Monetize your content with the most lucrative affiliate marketing strategies.

    AI-Driven Trend Finder Tool ($297 Value): Stay ahead of the competition by tapping into upcoming trends before they go viral.

    Why does this matter to you?

    LucidFluencerAI isn’t just a tool—it’s a system that eliminates guesswork, saves time, and guarantees results. Whether you’re a total beginner or a seasoned
    pro, this is your fast track to success in 2025 and beyond: .

    Imagine waking up tomorrow to this:

    Influencers you created driving traffic and sales.

    Your inbox filled with sponsorship offers.

    A growing income, all on autopilot.

    That’s the magic of LucidFluencerAI—and now it’s within your reach!

    ⏳ Act now and secure your copy today. Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers.

    Click Here to Start Your Journey: !

    Here’s to your success,
    Mary Gamble

    Address: 3502 College Street
    Atlanta, GA 30340

  20. Hey ,

    Let’s be honest—most people are out there trying a dozen things, hoping that one of them will finally work. But when was the last time one of those “opportunities” actually paid off?

    If you’re still searching, that means what you’ve been doing so far isn’t working. So why not try something different—something that’s proven to deliver real, consistent results?

    My friend Sean Donahoe has helped thousands of people get off the hamster wheel and onto a real path to success. His Yellow Brick Formula doesn’t rely on gimmicks or luck; it’s built on a solid, step-by-step system that works. And for the next five days, he’s going to teach you exactly how to use it to make a difference in your own life:

    Just look at what others have achieved:

    126% returns in two weeks
    422% profits in two days
    2,772% growth in 48 hours
    This isn’t just theory—these are real results from real people who wanted something better. And the best part? Sean’s method lets you practice this skill without risking a dime, so you can see exactly how it works before committing anything.

    So here’s my question: if what you’re doing right now isn’t getting you where you want to be, isn’t it time to make a change?

    [Click here to secure your spot] in the sprint: . This could be exactly what you’ve been waiting for.

    To your success,
    Harris Tripp

    Address: 2125 Davis Court
    Herrin, IL 62948

  21. Hi there,

    I understand that many find it challenging to grasp that SEO requires time and a strategic monthly approach. Unfortunately, very few webmasters have the patience to witness the gradual yet impactful trends that can transform their business.
    With Google’s evolving algorithms, a consistent, long-term strategy is essential for achieving a positive ROI.

    If you believe this is the right approach, give us a try!

    Explore Our Monthly SEO Services

    We provide exceptional value for your investment, and you won’t regret choosing us as your SEO partner.

    Thank you,
    Digital X SEO Experts
    Contact Us on WhatsApp

  22. Have you been wasting time and money making the perfect video for your social media, website, ad creatives or eCom store but it has been tough,

    Here is the kicker: It is now as easy as ABC to create any video by converting any photo with the new AI STUDIO into a stunning video.

    This AI studio is called Revio, it’s now LIVE

    >> See how to activate it:

    You can easily turn any photo of celebrities like Jay Z, Rihanna, Elon Musk, and others into videos promoting your website/product.

    Which means…
    No spending sleepless nights on editing
    No showing yourself on camera
    No script writing…

    This is the same technology the Hollywood industry uses to create their HD videos, you too can make that kind of video without stress or being techy.

    Just upload the kind of celebrity or photo you wish to turn into a video and in 60secs it is done.

    Revio is the best option for any;
    Social media videos
    Website videos
    Promotional videos
    E-commerce videos
    Ads videos
    GIFs and so on…

    Finally, no need to joggle between different crappy video creation and editing software that comes with complicated steps.

    >>Click here to get Early-bird access to Revio:

    Peggy Stewart

    Address: 4829 Carson Street
    Lexington, KY 40505

  23. Imagine creating a team of AI influencers promoting your website/business around the clock, without the need for costly sponsorships or human talent. Now picture these influencers boosting your brand, driving traffic, and generating revenue—completely automated.

    Today’s your chance to turn that vision into reality with AIfluencers, the revolutionary platform transforming the way businesses leverage influencer marketing.


    AIfluencers solve major marketing challenges by eliminating the need for expensive models, photographers, or prior social media followings. It allows you to create AI-driven influencers that work tirelessly to engage audiences and grow your business in any niche.

    With AIfluencers, you gain:

    ⭐ Fully customized AI influencers tailored to your brand and niche.
    ⭐ Automated content creation for images, videos, and sponsored posts.
    ⭐ Powerful monetization options like chat subscriptions and affiliate marketing.
    ⭐ A public gallery to lease your influencers for collaborations and sponsorships.
    ⭐ A seamless solution to scale your brand globally with multilingual support.

    Here’s just a glimpse of what you can achieve with AIfluencers:

    Generate compelling product reviews.
    Create stunning Facebook ad creatives.
    Publish viral Shorts & Reels for social media.
    Craft sponsored posts that brands will love.
    Drive traffic to online or offline businesses: .
    Launch a faceless YouTube channel.
    Promote affiliate products for maximum earnings.
    Help coaches, consultants, and e-commerce stores reach their goals.
    Close deals through engaging AI-driven chat interactions.
    And so much more!

    ❌ No need for an existing following—start with ZERO followers.
    ❌ No need to hire expensive models or photographers—do it ALL with AI.
    ❌ No need for a big budget—start your AI influencer empire for less than $50!


    Don’t wait,! This limited-time offer won’t last long. Start building your AI influencer empire today and claim your exclusive bonuses.

    Bruce Thomas

    Address: 1805 Woodstock Drive
    Pomona, CA 91766

  24. Sick of buying products that gets you nowhere?

    You know the ones where the sales pages are filled with BS?

    But then you find out there’s incomplete training on how to make it online

    That stops today.

    I have something cool you need to check out

    A brand new app that lets you leverage…

    Our New Crypto App That Pays Us As Much $21/Hour For Browsing The Net:


    GO here:

    Myron Seman

    Address: 5 Lake Floyd Circle
    Hagerstown, MD 21740

  25. Imagine if you could just click a few buttons…

    And instantly dominate a market worth billions of dollars…

    Which market? The audiobook market…

    Doesn’t matter if you listen to audiobooks or not…

    What matters is, that there are billions of people who use audiobooks DAILY…

    And this is why Amazon invests billions in their platforms Audible…

    They know how profitable that market is…

    Now, Imagine if there is a way to get your share of that enormous market:

    Without writing books
    Without recording
    Without hiring anyone
    Without paying upfront
    Without marketing


    Easy, my friend Venkata just launched the app that makes all of that possible…

    It’s called Tornado, and it will do everything for you…

    All you have to do is just enter a keyword…

    And within seconds, it will write, narrate, publish, and even sell audiobooks on your behalf:

    You don’t need any experience…
    You don’t need any skills…

    All you need is Tornado, and you can go and watch how it works now, and create your account instantly…

    But you have to worry because Venkata told me that he won’t keep it open for long

    William Holland

    Address: 2893 Seneca Drive
    Portland, OR 97232

  26. Hey,

    Guess What?

    Now You Launch Your Own 6-Figure White-Labelled TalkingBooks Creation Agency Instantly …

    And Make Huge Profit Per Client Without Any Extra Effort.

    Hard to believe, right?

    But Trust Me …

    Because Now you can do this with the help of this AI Tech ….

    Check Out TalkingBooks Now:

    TalkingBooks is the world’s first AI app that creates stunning, talking books in ANY language within 60 seconds!

    Here’s a peek at the types of books you can create:

    ✅ Talking Story Books

    ✅ Talking Business Books

    ✅ Talking Children Books

    ✅ Talking Health Books

    ✅ Talking Fiction Books

    ✅ Talking Self-Help Books

    ✅ Talking Travel Books

    ✅ Talking Spiritual Books

    ✅ Talking Educational Books

    ✅ Many more…

    And the best part? You can add videos, sound, clickable CTAs (e.g. your website link:, and—get this—YOUR OWN AVATAR as the narrator.

    Yes, your very own avatar can tell your stories, share knowledge, or represent your brand, creating an unforgettable, next-level reading experience.

    Click Here to Learn More Details About TalkingBooks:

    With TalkingBooks, Get The Coolest Bonuses Also…

    Click Here to Get Instant Access of Talking Books Right Now:

    To Your Success,
    James Tucker

    Address: 631 Wetzel Lane
    Grand Rapids, MI 49508

  27. Hey,

    Exciting news! The wait is finally over – OpenApp AI 2.0 is now LIVE

    The first-ever AI-powered, no-coding ‘Android & iOS’ mobile app builder.

    Game-changing technology allows you to transform any website URL, your ideas, keywords, blogs, pages, and e-commerce stores into stunning Real Android & iOS mobile apps in less than 60 seconds!

    ===>Access OpenApp AI 2.0 + All Bonus (Early Bird Launch Discount):

    Generate highly advanced Mobile apps and upload them on different app stores Like Google-Play & Apple App Store…

    … To easily make huge profits weekly, monthly and annually on complete autopilot…

    Here’s why OpenApp AI 2.0 is a game-changer:

    Create Unlimited Android & IOS Mobile Apps Using Al

    Transform Any Website Url, Keywords, Blogs, Pages & Ecom Store into A Fully Functional Stunning Mobile Apps

    Built-in 1500+ Professional Templates: Create Personal Or Business Mobile Apps For Any Niche Using Al

    Publish Your App on Google-Play and Apple store In Less Than 60 Seconds

    Payment Integration, accept payments in your app through Payment Gateways

    Send Push Notifications To Your App Users And Get Up To 98% Open Rate.

    Send Unlimited Emails & SMS Directly To Your Users

    Add Unlimited Custom Domains & Subdomains Without Any Restrictions.

    Built-In Interactive elementsa to add Coupon, Loyalty Program, Appointment and event booking,

    Convert existing website URL into Android/iOS App

    Generate native android and iOS apps

    Built-in App Monetization

    Lifetime Access With No Recurring Monthly Payments

    Ready to take the leap into the future of app development? Try OpenApp AI 2.0 today and experience the simplicity of turning your dreams into reality.

    ==> Watch OpenApp AI 2.0 Demo In Action:

    Don’t let coding complexities hold you back. Join the ranks of successful app creators with OpenApp AI 2.0.

    Oops, did I forget to mention…
    You’re also getting exclusive bonuses worth $…. that will make this deal an unforgettable affair.

    But these are available for a very limited time.

    So, don’t you dare miss out on this.

    ===>Access OpenApp AI 2.0 + All Bonus (Early Bird Launch Discount):

    Best regards,
    Jennifer Marcil

    Address: 1867 Edgewood Road
    Memphis, TN 38110

  28. Hi,

    Have you ever wanted to get on Google’s page 1 without having to worry about SEO?
    With MDA Traffic, it’s possible, and the best part – it doesn’t cost a thing .

    MDA Traffic uses a clever combination of high-authority sites, interest spikes, and AI to help you rank quickly for valuable, targeted phrases: .

    You don’t need experience or any technical knowledge. Just a few minutes to follow the steps, and you’re ready to roll!

    Imagine how much targeted traffic you could drive in just a few days.

    Whether you’re promoting affiliate offers, selling your own products, or growing a YouTube channel, MDA Traffic can help you reach the right audience fast.

    Ready to get started?

    Click here to discover how to use MDA Traffic: !

    Rafael Jenkins

    Address: 3050 Weekley Street
    San Antonio, TX 78023

  29. Dear,

    Let’s face it: crafting high-performing AI prompts for tools like ChatGPT, MidJourney, and DALL-E 3 isn’t easy. Whether you’re a freelancer, creator, or entrepreneur, you’ve likely spent countless hours testing and refining prompts—only to end up with mediocre results.

    The truth is, creating high-quality prompts requires expertise, time, and creativity that not everyone has. And as the demand for advanced AI prompts continues to skyrocket, the pressure to deliver only increases.

    But what if there was a way to simplify the entire process? Imagine generating tailored, high-quality prompts in just seconds—without any guesswork or frustration.

    Introducing PromptBuddy: the revolutionary AI-powered tool that takes the hassle out of creating, scaling, and selling advanced prompts for ChatGPT, MidJourney, and DALL-E 3 : .

    With PromptBuddy, you can finally meet the growing demand for top-notch prompts while saving time, boosting productivity, and maximizing your earnings.

    Here’s what makes PromptBuddy a game-changer:

    Advanced AI Prompt Generators: Create tailored prompts instantly using just a keyword or description for ChatGPT, MidJourney, and DALL-E 3.

    Bulk Prompt Creator: Generate multiple niche-specific prompts in seconds, perfect for scaling your business.

    Preloaded Store with 80,000+ Prompts: Start selling right away with a store packed with high-demand, ready-to-sell prompts.

    Fully Automated Store Setup: Launch a complete prompt store in under 60 seconds—no tech skills required!

    Seamless Payment Integration: Collect payments effortlessly with PayPal, Stripe, or direct bank transfers.

    Exclusive Bonuses for Early Buyers: Get a 30 Reseller License (worth $1,997) when you act fast!

    Click Here to See PromptBuddy in Action and Get Instant Access: !

    The demand for high-quality AI prompts is exploding, and PromptBuddy positions you perfectly to capitalize on this trend. Whether you’re a seasoned freelancer or just starting out, this tool is designed to simplify your journey and amplify your success.

    Don’t wait—opportunities like this don’t come around often. Take action now to secure your spot in the booming AI economy.

    Get PromptBuddy Today and Start Earning with AI Prompts Instantly: !

    To your success,
    Elsie Coon

    Address: 144 Rockford Road
    Reno, NV 89501

  30. Imagine if minutes from now you could have your very own cloud hosting account that enabled you to create & host unlimited sites with faster loading time than ever before,
    100% uptime and free SSL encryption built-in… all for a one-time low fee.

    Check this out right now:

    Now you’ve probably heard about lifetime hosting before.

    BUT trust me when I say it, you’ve never seen hosting like THIS one, ever before.

    That’s for 2 reasons:

    #1 is that we’ve been hosting websites for over 20,000 customers
    since 2020 and we’re still in business hosting hundreds of thousands of websites.

    We’re here to stay and your sites are safe with us.

    That’s right – next-generation hosting that’s better than anything else on the market right now but without ANY of the ridiculous monthly fees. Pay once, use forever.

    Hosting that takes 60 seconds to setup, protects you against hackers and keeps you 100% compliant with any legislation (think GDPR or ADA).

    It would effectively enable you to make your LAST EVER payment for a hosting service today


    still get 100% uptime, blazingly fast loading times, SUPERIOR service and the best possible support Webmasters/Internet Marketers wish for.

    What about the second reason?

    Well, number #2 is something you’ve never seen before in the hosting space.

    Imagine if minutes from now you could have instant access to your own premium accounts of:

    ChatGPT 4 omni Plus
    Google Gemini Ultra Advanced
    DallE 3 HD
    Whisper AI Text-to-SpeechMidjourney Mega
    Leonardo AI PRO Plan
    Microsoft Copilot Pro
    Meta Llama 3.1

    And 99 other premium AIs.

    All integrated with our hosting. Just how good does that sound?
    Well lucky for you, today is the day this all becomes reality…
    Check out SPARK hosting right here:

    That means, you can have the SPARK premium paid Ais

    [+] build entire (affiliate) websites on Spark hosting
    [+] write unlimited unique content for those websites
    [+] code any apps that you can host inside Spark
    [+] create amazing HD videos and HOST them as well with our Spark video player
    [+] generate graphics and images
    [+] turn any text into human sounding speech
    [+] create music that can top the Billboard charts
    [+] publish NY Times bestselling books
    [+] manage your social media accounts
    [+] clone any voice and setup talking avatars
    [+] get you #1 rankings via SEO and backlinks
    [+] run live chatbots for support & sales
    [+] even create entire Hollywood-polish movies using Sora AI

    Listen – Sora AI premium alone is $200/mo. And you get it as a bonus of this hosting package.

    Get started right now:

    The best part?

    It’s 100% newbie friendly AND has been designed from the ground up by webmasters FOR webmasters. Plus we’re making it better every single day based on user suggestions.

    …and if you act FAST, you get the “ClickFunnels killer” drag&drop
    page and funnel builder FREE.

    Get this today – and enjoy lifetime hosting for nothing (yes that’s zero future hosting payments):

    To your success,
    Heather Young

    Address: 1968 Logan Lane
    Denver, CO 80205

  31. Hello !

    MDA Traffic is a revolutionary method designed for both beginners and experienced marketers.

    Whether you’re looking to get more visits, boost sales, or increase affiliate commissions, this system makes it easy to drive targeted traffic – even if you’ve never done it before.

    With just 10-15 minutes, you can set up what we call a “traffic conduit” – a way to direct Google search traffic to your website without spending a cent: .

    This is 100% legal, completely beginner-friendly, and gets you on Google’s page 1 .

    Imagine being able to drive traffic from one of the world’s largest search engines without a single ad dollar.

    That’s the power of MDA Traffic. Ready to find out more?

    Click here to unlock targeted traffic today: !

    Patrick House

    Address: 2153 Liberty Avenue
    Anaheim, CA 92805

  32. Hi,

    Media Labs has helped thousands make 60-second videos and earn thousands monthly.

    Businesses struggle to find skilled creators. At Media Labs, we train creators to be the internet’s best, connecting them with brands ready to pay generously for top-notch content. Join us to start making serious, reliable WIFI money: .

    You will get:

    Stable monthly income directly deposited to your bank for making content.
    Near immediate access to brand deals and retainers after passing our entry quiz.
    Access to 7 $100,000+ GMV coaches for video feedback
    Weekly live calls with the community
    Unlock the secrets to VIRAL Livestreams that generate THOUSANDS:

    Jason Klinger

    Address: 2579 Ritter Street
    Birmingham, AL 35203

  33. What if I told you that starting today, YOU could have your very own suite of CUSTOMIZED, cutting-edge AI tools—complete with whitelabel branding and customized AI marketing?

    Yup, newbies are leveraging new tech to create UNIQUE AI ‘box businesses’ that market themselves.

    Introducing AIWhitelabels—the first-of-its-kind app that lets you create and sell customized, branded AI SaaS products w/ DFY marketing. Start from scratch & use AI to make your tool or pick from TONS of AI tool templates.

    Ready to see the magic? Watch this jaw-dropping demo and grab your access before the price goes up. Plus, you’ll unlock exclusive bonuses when you act fast.

    > >

    Why’s AIWhitelabels the Future of AI Marketing?

    Here’s the deal: businesses are tired of ‘one-size-fits-all’ solutions marketed to them.

    AIWhitelabels is a groundbreaking AI tool creation platform that not only creates 100% unique AI tools for specific solutions, but also whitelabels AND custom markets them for you or your clients.

    With just a few clicks, you can:
    ✅ Create fully customized AI tools tailored to ANY niche.
    ✅ Brand them as your own with logos, colors, and designs.
    ✅ Let the app market them for you as you build more
    ✅ Sell them for recurring profits or offer them as premium services:

    Incredible features include…

    Easy Custom AI Tool Builder – Create customized AI apps in minutes with an easy AI no-code drag-and-drop interface

    Ready-Made AI Tool Templates – Choose from customizable templates across various niches, including marketing, sales, small business needs, entertainment, & more.

    DFY AI Marketing Tools – tap into a suite of marketing tools & let AIWhitelabels market & sell your custom creation FOR YOU (page builders, video makers, article writers & MORE)

    Let AI Make Millions of Unique Tools – use AI or manual no-code creation to make tons of unique AI apps like influencer finders, course makers, healthy meal planners, horoscope makers, & more

    Add Opt-in Forms & Build Your List – Ditch boring info lead magnets & build your email list fast by forcing each user of your AI tool to enter their email to use it

    Stripe Payment Integration – Monetize your AI tools instantly by forcing users to buy access to use it with Stripe button integration

    Full Whitelabel Ability – Easily customize apps with your brand logos, colors, and domains—no special skills needed

    Embed or Host Your AI Apps – Host your apps for free with unique shareable links, or embed them on any website

    DFY Whitelabel Businesses- Tap into multiple red-hot AI businesses already whitelabeled & ready-to-go

    And TONS more.

    Plus, You’re Getting An INSANE Customized AI Bonus Since I Feel This Product is Such a Huge Deal:

    Don’t wait— check out the ‘no-hype’ demo here & get access here before the price increases & qualify for my best bonus kit:

    > >

    (1st price bump happens shortly I’m told)

    Richard Martin

    Address: 936 Horner Street
    Youngstown, OH 44506

  34. Hi !

    If you’re ready to boost your sales and commissions, MDA Traffic has a quick, cost-free hack that only takes 10-15 minutes to set up.

    This isn’t another ad platform or social media strategy – it’s a method that leverages Google traffic without SEO, cost, or complexity.

    Here’s how it works: MDA Traffic uses third-party assets, AI, and targeted “buyer intent” phrases to help you land high up in Google search results in days: .

    You don’t need any experience or a budget. Just follow the simple steps, and you could start seeing results in 1-3 days.

    Imagine reaching Google’s top pages for keywords people are already searching.

    It’s a beginner-friendly way to get noticed without spending hours on SEO or competing with hundreds of others.

    Want to see it in action?

    Learn more about MDA Traffic here:

    Bradley Heuer

    Address: 2622 Benson Street
    Goodman, WI 54125

  35. Join forces with industry-leading analysts boasting over 5000+ winning trades since September 2023, guiding you through this year’s bull run with unmatched expertise.

    We help you make money in crypto – Kaizen is a premium crypto membership offering expert trade setups, in-depth research, market insights, educational content, and a supportive community to help you win in crypto: .

    What you will get:
    Receive reliable, high-quality trading signals to enhance your market entries.
    Access real-time market analysis and strategies from expert traders.
    Get detailed breakdowns of market trends and forecasts to improve your trading.
    Join a network of traders sharing strategies, tips, and support.
    Gain access to courses and materials to improve your skills and knowledge.

    Webmaster like you have turned his 18k portfolio into 28k in just two weeks: .

    Cherie Bennett

    Address: 2767 Franklee Lane
    Portland, PA 97205

  36. Hi ,

    You’ve probably heard about and perhaps seen Udemy before.

    It’s one of the most popular eLearning platforms, with tens of millions of users.

    How would you like to have your OWN academy, similar to Udemy? Check this out:

    Unlike Udemy, where your course gets added to a marketplace containing thousands of similar courses, this new platform allows you to OWN the entire academy.

    You get a unique URL for your academy, and when visitors go there, you profit from ANYTHING they buy there.

    But wait, it gets even better.

    Instead of having to split your profits with the platform, the payments go DIRECTLY to you and you get to keep 100 percent of the profits!

    As you’ll see, it’s kind of like Udemy, but from an internet marketing and business-owner standpoint, I like this one a lot better.

    Using this brand new platform, you can launch your own eLearning business in a matter of minutes, with no prior experience or technical skills needed – thanks to the power of AI technology.

    I recommend going here and checking it out immediately:

    Right now it’s super affordable during the launch special, but due to high demand they plan to increase the price to a monthly subscription for those who join later. So don’t wait, join today!

    To your success,

    Paul Vaughan

    Address: 73 Heavens Way
    Winter Haven, FL 33830

  37. Hi,

    Are you tired of creating fresh content for your business?

    Problem solved forever:

    This new A.I. dashboard is the perfect solution for busy entrepreneurs and business owners who want to create high-quality content without spending hours (or even minutes) writing or hiring expensive writers.

    A team of professional internet marketers and copywriters have created a user-friendly dashboard that allows you to simply fill in a few blanks, click a button, and let the engine do all the “work”.

    With GPTDash, you can easily generate blog posts, emails, social media updates, product reviews, sales letters, video scripts, and more. Just enter a few keywords and watch as GPTDash creates engaging and persuasive content that resonates with your target audience. And, the content is 100% original.

    This dashboard is a game-changer and they could be charging an arm and a leg for it. However, they’re offering a launch special which will be ending soon.

    I recommend checking it out and getting access to this dashboard today:

    Don’t let content creation hold you back from achieving your goals. Try GPTDash today and experience the power of automated content creation for yourself.

    Best regards,
    Wayne Brady

    Address: 4657 Cross Street
    Saginaw, MI 48601

  38. Acquiring a spot for your site on credible, premium platforms is an crucial step in reinforcing its web reputation. Such placements not only lift a site’s standing in the sight of online search tools but also nurture credibility among its desired audience. Dependable sites, renowned for their strict content standards and substantial user bases, act as verifiers, validating the realness and worth of content they connect to or host. As visitors from these platforms find their way to a site, they come with a predefined sense of trust, making them more likely to connect and transform.

    Additionally, setting a website on top-quality trust sites goes beyond mere link-building strategies. It’s an chance for reciprocal growth and teamwork. Connecting with honored platforms enables a brand to match its values with those of the reputable site, advocating shared ideals and strengthening its brand story. In the persistently growing digital world, where sincerity is at a high, such calculated placements guarantee a site’s enduring visibility, relevance, and impact.

    Telegram: @xrumers


  39. Hello !

    MDA Traffic is a revolutionary method designed for both beginners and experienced marketers.

    Whether you’re looking to get more visits, boost sales, or increase affiliate commissions, this system makes it easy to drive targeted traffic – even if you’ve never done it before.

    With just 10-15 minutes, you can set up what we call a “traffic conduit” – a way to direct Google search traffic to your website without spending a cent: .

    This is 100% legal, completely beginner-friendly, and gets you on Google’s page 1 .

    Imagine being able to drive traffic from one of the world’s largest search engines without a single ad dollar.

    That’s the power of MDA Traffic. Ready to find out more?

    Click here to unlock targeted traffic today: !

    Janet Runyon

    Address: 4269 Johnson Street
    Raleigh, NC 27604

  40. Join forces with industry-leading analysts boasting over 5000+ winning trades since September 2023, guiding you through this year’s bull run with unmatched expertise.

    We help you make money in crypto – Kaizen is a premium crypto membership offering expert trade setups, in-depth research, market insights, educational content, and a supportive community to help you win in crypto: .

    What you will get:
    Receive reliable, high-quality trading signals to enhance your market entries.
    Access real-time market analysis and strategies from expert traders.
    Get detailed breakdowns of market trends and forecasts to improve your trading.
    Join a network of traders sharing strategies, tips, and support.
    Gain access to courses and materials to improve your skills and knowledge.

    Webmaster like you have turned his 18k portfolio into 28k in just two weeks: .

    Rupert Valdez

    Address: 4118 Beeghley Street
    West, TX 76691

  41. Hey ,

    Humanizzer Lifelike AI Agents are now LIVE…

    Now, you can transform any idea into lifelike human AI agents with:

    ✔️ Brand Voice Customization

    ✔️ Multi-language Support

    ✔️ Human-like Conversations

    ✔️ Real-Time Engagement

    ✔️ Personalized Knowledge Integration

    ✔️ 24/7 Availability

    ✔️ Seamless Client Interactions

    ✔️ Instant Monetization and more!

    Seriously, it’s like magic !

    Monetize your agents by selling them to clients for thousands :

    Start earning BIG profits with the included commercial license—no expensive developers required!

    With Humanizzer, you can:

    Choose from 60+ pre-designed agents for any niche—ideal for businesses, marketers, and creators

    No tech skills required—build agents in a few clicks, no coding involved

    Break language barriers with multilingual agents, engaging a global audience effortlessly

    Fully customize your agents – tweak their look, voice, and behavior to perfectly fit your brand

    Train your agents using your own knowledge base—URLs, PDFs, or videos

    Run 100% white-labeled agents under your branding for a professional touch

    This is your chance to be part of the AI-powered future of business. Let Humanizzer handle the heavy lifting while you grow your brand and profits!

    Click Here to Learn More About Humanizzer

    & Here’s The Best Part…

    For a limited time, We’re including Incredible Bonuses that will take your Humanizzer to the next level

    These bonuses are available for a limited time, so act now!

    To Your Success,
    Mario McNamee

    Address: 1368 Wolf Pen Road
    San Francisco, CA 94143

  42. Hi !

    If you’re ready to boost your sales and commissions, MDA Traffic has a quick, cost-free hack that only takes 10-15 minutes to set up.

    This isn’t another ad platform or social media strategy – it’s a method that leverages Google traffic without SEO, cost, or complexity.

    Here’s how it works: MDA Traffic uses third-party assets, AI, and targeted “buyer intent” phrases to help you land high up in Google search results in days: .

    You don’t need any experience or a budget. Just follow the simple steps, and you could start seeing results in 1-3 days.

    Imagine reaching Google’s top pages for keywords people are already searching.

    It’s a beginner-friendly way to get noticed without spending hours on SEO or competing with hundreds of others.

    Want to see it in action?

    Learn more about MDA Traffic here:

    Thomas Cost

    Address: 3051 Oak Lane
    Hurdland, MO 63547

  43. Hi,

    Boost your website traffic with 10,000 targeted visitors for just $10! Drive quality traffic directly from your chosen country through our social ads campaign.

    – 100% real traffic—no bots
    – Affordable & effective
    – Perfect for more leads and conversions

    Order now:
    Chat with us:

    Get started today and watch your site grow!

    Digital X Experts

  44. It is time to ditch those regular robotic/text-based AI and start using Human AIs for LIFE without a monthly Fee

    This is not ChatGPT, Open AI, Gemini or others, this is an AI that Creates & Streams “AI Humans” That Listen, Think, React

    >>Secure the first-time access here:

    Gone are the days when you depend on Animated, robotic or static AIs, start using Human-Like AIs to automate your online business.

    Your Normal text-based AIs charges:
    Jasper ($49 a month)
    Access to Claude ($30 a month)
    Access to MidJourney ($60 a month)
    Access to Canva ($13 a month)
    Access to ChatGPT ($20 a month)…

    But with Human AI you have the human features and save 1000s of dollars to;

    Create & Stream AI Humans With Just 1 Click…
    Create an AI Human With “Clone” Of Your Brain, Knowledge, Tone, And Everything…
    AI Human Handles Any Task, Coaching Programs, Meetings, Interviews, Live Streams, Customer Support and more with zero effort.
    Feed Your AI Human With Knowledge From Any Pdfs, Doc, URL, Website, Books, Or Anything…
    Embed AI Humans Anywhere With a Single Line of Code (Websites, blogs, stores, funnels, or any platform AI Humans integrate seamlessly
    Turn AI Humans Into a 24/7 Profit Machine…
    Start A Profitable Business From Scratch With Human AI In Less Than 60 Seconds…

    My team and I have worked tirelessly to make sure this software is perfect for your business needs and it is easy to use – no complicated setup.

    Just follow the 3 steps,

    Step 1: One click to login

    Step 2: One click to create

    Step 3: One click to Stream and Engage

    >>Get Early-bird access to Human AI here:

    Then your AI is ready to start working for you 24/7 to do any tasks you require of it like an actual human.

    Take coaching programs
    Conducts presentation
    Conduct interviews
    Take sales call and close them
    Acts as a customer support specialist

    And so on…

    All these you can’t get with the normal high-priced AIs you see around with limited features that don’t sound like humans.

    It’s time to save your funds and start using the latest Human AIs for 2025.

    But the catch is,

    If you miss out on the early-bird access to Human AI you will have to pay triple the price for it.

    >> Secure your access to Human AI here:

    Jackie Rapp

    Address: 3141 Jim Rosa Lane
    Oakland, CA 94612

  45. Halo pengelola Suara Baru ID,

    Maaf jika komentar ini mengganggu.

    Saya lihat website Anda menggunakan WordPress. Namun begitu banyak spam comment yang masuk. Apakah Anda tidak merasa risih dan bingung membedakan mana yang komentar asli mana yang spam?

    Jika Anda bisa meluangkan waktu barang sehari, saya menulis artikel mengenai cara meningkatkan keamanan website WordPress di sini: Silakan ikuti tutorial tersebut.

    Namun, jika Anda sibuk dan tidak dapat meluangkan waktu untuk memperbaiki keamanan website Anda, jangan sungkan untuk mulai berkonsultasi pada halaman Contact Me.

    Terima kasih

  46. Boom!

    So there you were, staring at your computer screen, a graveyard of failed online ventures haunting your hard drive.

    You’ve tried everything, haven’t you?

    Courses that promised the moon but delivered moon dust.

    “Foolproof” systems that left you feeling like the fool.

    And let’s not even talk about those late nights spent trying to decipher tech jargon that might as well have been ancient Sanskrit.

    But here’s the kicker – while you were busy pulling your hair out, the world didn’t stop spinning.

    AI swooped in like a digital superhero, ready to save the day.

    And guess what?

    It’s not here to replace you – it’s here to empower you.

    Imagine having a tireless assistant, working 24/7 to drive traffic to your business: .

    No more begging for clicks or burning cash on ads that perform worse than a dad joke at a teenager’s party.

    This AI doesn’t sleep, doesn’t complain, and definitely doesn’t ask for a raise.

    It’s like having a team of Silicon Valley whiz kids in your pocket, minus the attitude and the obscene salaries.

    But here’s the real magic – you don’t need to be a tech genius to use it.

    If you can click a button, you’re overqualified.

    This is your chance to turn that hard drive of broken dreams into a treasure trove of success stories.

    Michael Cheney has just released AI Franchise get ready to let AI do the heavy lifting while you reap the rewards.

    Stop dreaming and start doing:


    Lewis Bury

    P.S. Don’t let another one slip through your fingers: .

    Address: 3017 Boggess Street
    Greenfield, OH 45123

  47. Hi,

    Have you ever wanted to get on Google’s page 1 without having to worry about SEO?
    With MDA Traffic, it’s possible, and the best part – it doesn’t cost a thing .

    MDA Traffic uses a clever combination of high-authority sites, interest spikes, and AI to help you rank quickly for valuable, targeted phrases: .

    You don’t need experience or any technical knowledge. Just a few minutes to follow the steps, and you’re ready to roll!

    Imagine how much targeted traffic you could drive in just a few days.

    Whether you’re promoting affiliate offers, selling your own products, or growing a YouTube channel, MDA Traffic can help you reach the right audience fast.

    Ready to get started?

    Click here to discover how to use MDA Traffic: !

    Edna Mathis

    Address: 3607 Andy Street
    Summit, SD 57266

  48. Businesses are desperate for AI automation—and you can provide it.

    Want to launch a profitable online AI Bots business without the usual headaches?

    No complicated tech. No selling. No products to create.

    With AI Bot Studio, you can:

    ✅ Deploy AI chatbots on WhatsApp, Facebook & Instagram in minutes.

    ✅ Sell automation services to businesses that desperately need them: .

    ✅ Let AI do the work while you collect payments.

    This is the future of online business.

    Right now, you can grab the full AI Bot Studio bundle, which includes everything you need to get started—no coding, no prior experience required.

    Act now before the bundle deal expires:

    Click here to claim your access:

    To Your Success,

    Roland Pearson

    P.S. The demand for AI automation is exploding. The sooner you start, the faster you can claim your share of the profits—get AI Bot Studio now.

    Address: 3049 Cook Hill Road
    Wallingford, CT 06492

  49. Blimey!

    Tea time’s over, mate. Time to spill some piping hot truth tea.

    Ever heard of Warren Buffett? ‘Course you have. The bloke’s practically swimming in dough.

    Now, old Warren’s got a saying: “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”

    Cheery thought, innit?

    But here’s the rub – most of us are stuck in the 9-to-5 hamster wheel, trading time for money like it’s going out of style.

    We’re so busy working for our money, we forget to make our money work for us.

    Sound familiar? Thought so.

    But what if I told you there’s a way to make your money work harder than a caffeinated squirrel on a wheel?

    A system so efficient, it’s like having a clone of yourself working 24/7, without the creepy sci-fi vibes: .

    I’m talking about the AI Franchise – the ‘set it and forget it system that would make even Warren Buffett sit up and take notice.

    This isn’t some pie-in-the-sky dream. It’s a real, tangible opportunity already paid out $247,584.65.

    And the best part? You can grab it for less than the cost of a takeaway curry.

    No tech skills are needed. There are no monthly fees to drain your bank account.

    Just pure, unadulterated profit potential.

    It’s like having a tireless, hyper-efficient employee who never sleeps, never complains, and never asks for a raise.

    This is your chance to stop trading time for money and start building real wealth.

    Ready to make your money work for you while you sleep, just like Warren Buffett said?

    Click below and let’s get this money-making party started:

    Ryan Pyles

    P.S. Don’t let another day go by trading your precious time for money. Grab your AI Franchise now and start building real wealth:

    Address: 4821 Poe Lane
    Paola, KS 66071

  50. Hey ,

    Say Goodbye to Boring & Lifeless Visuals That FAIL to Grab Attention!

    Creates Lifelike Talking Visuals in Just 60 Seconds Such As ….

    Talking Human Photos
    Ultra Realistic 4k Images
    Amazing Product Images
    Animated Talking Cartoons
    Funny Talking Animals
    Fantasy Characters & 3D Avatars
    Pixel Art & AI-Generated Faces
    And Much More.
    Simply Use It for Social Media, Websites, Funnels, Ads, YouTube Shorts, Product Demos & More…! Or, sell on Fiverr, Upwork & to businesses for Huge Profit

    And all this will be possible with the help of this AI App…

    See it In Action Now =>

    How It Works

    1) Login – Access the AI-powered visual creation app.
    2) Create – Enter a keyword, and AI generates stunning images, talking humans, animated cartoons, GIFs, logos & more—in seconds!
    3) Profit – Use for your brand or sell on Fiverr, Upwork & to businesses for BIG earnings!

    Click Here to learn More Details About Talking Visuals >>

    With Talking Visuals, Get This Coolest Bonuses Also…

    Click Here to Get Instant Access of Talking Visuals Right Now >>

    To Your Success,

    Brenda Jamison

    Address: 2098 Glenview Drive
    Corpus Christi, TX 78476

  51. Have you seen how many views and conversions these “UGC” type videos are delivering?

    In fact, you’ve probably visit a website and bought a product (or 2) after watching one of these videos WITHOUT even
    noticing. I know I have


    Well, simply because these UGC videos have a way of going VIRAL and selling all types of products and services WITHOUT being ‘salesy’

    They feel real, authentic, and relatable—which is EXACTLY why they work.

    Short on time? See how YOU can start using these SAME type of videos for yourself or for your clients TODAY: !

    People are tired of overproduced ads that scream “BUY NOW.” But when they see a natural, engaging video that looks like it was made by a real person?

    BOOM—trust is built, and traffic/sales start rolling in.

    And now, YOU can create these high-converting UGC videos in just minutes… WITHOUT ever stepping in front of a camera!

    With UGC Valet, you can:

    ✔️ Choose from 30+ real human actors to deliver your message.
    ✔️ Write your own script or let AI craft the perfect pitch for you.
    ✔️ Match your message with the perfect AI voice for natural delivery.
    ✔️ Customize subtitles, emotions, and even backgrounds for full creative control.

    And the best part? It’s all done-for-you in just a few clicks!

    If you want to start creating videos that get views, build trust, and SELL like crazy, now’s the time to jump in!

    Click here to see UGC Valet in action: !

    Barney Fowler

    P.S. UGC videos are the FUTURE of marketing— brands are spending MILLIONS on them because they WORK.

    Don’t miss out on this game-changing tool!

    Address: 3965 Cardinal Lane
    Champaign, IL 61820

  52. Hi there,

    I realize that many struggle accepting that organic ranking growth takes patience and a well-planned long-term commitment.

    Sadly, very few webmasters have the determination to wait for the progressive yet impactful results that can transform their business.

    With Google’s evolving algorithms, a consistent, commitment to SEO is essential for getting a sustainable profit.

    If you believe this as the right strategy, work with us!

    Discover Our SEO Growth Packages

    Reach Out on Live Support

    We deliver measurable growth for your marketing budget, and you will appreciate choosing us as your digital agency.

    Best regards,
    Digital X SEO Experts
    Phone/WhatsApp: +1 (844) 754-1148

  53. Hey,

    What if you could own a fully automated online school with AI-powered LIVE teachers teaching your students—while you sit back and earn passive income?

    Introducing AI LIVE School Builder!

    For the first time ever, you can launch your own AI-driven online school in just minutes—no tech skills, no hiring, and no teaching experience required: !

    Here’s How It Works:

    ✅ AI LIVE Teachers – They teach, engage, and interact with students automatically!

    ✅ Done-for-You AI LIVE Classes – Covering subjects like Math, Science, Languages, and more!

    ✅ Built-in Monetization – Charge students and earn passive income on autopilot!

    ✅ No Tech Hassles – Everything is ready-made, just plug & play!

    ✅ Global Learning Access – Students can join from anywhere, anytime!

    The online education market is exploding, projected to hit $400B+ by 2027! Now is the perfect time to claim your share of this booming industry.

    Be Among the First to Profit!

    Limited Early Access Spots Available – Don’t Miss Out!

    Claim Your AI LIVE School Now:

    Robert Day

    Address: 3132 Chandler Drive
    Springfield, MO 65806


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