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Frequently asked questions
Similarly to Skyline Stumble
Similarly to Skyline Stumble, light bridges will appear and disappear rhythmically. Pay careful attention to when and where they appear, and follow the pattern to predict where they will be. In some instances, they are used as platforms to help Fall Guys across long gaps. In others, they are walls that impede progress. In both occurrences of the low gravity, it is used to help players with their platforming. Take advantage of the slowed descent to time landings in safe locations.

How to get Fall guys

This page contains links to the official sources of the app Fall guys. So that you do not have problems with getting the app, we have prepared a detailed instruction.


How to get Fall guys from the official store.

To quickly and painlessly get the Fall guys app on the Official Store, you should use the following instructions.

  1. Go to the Get for PC button.
  2. If you use a browser on a PC or mobile device, you'll go to the Fall guys app page on the official store website.

To get the app through the browser, you need to log in to your account in the store and add it to the library.

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