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Through clever gameplay innovation and a compelling cliffhanger, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales lays the groundwork for a spectacular sequel.


Insomniac's Spider-Man: Miles Morales has arrived
Insomniac's Spider-Man: Miles Morales has arrived, and fans are already clamoring for information on the sequel. While fans are likely months away from any concrete information on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Miles Morales provides plenty of clues about the series' future, both in terms of story and gameplay. Spider-Man: Miles Morales depicts the rise of Miles Morales as a new hero. He begins a fledgling, able to fight but unproven to the residents of New York City. By the end of the game, however, Miles has endeared himself to the city's citizens, as one of the final shots of the game is an artist painting a mural of him next to one of Peter’s Spider-Man. Miles is no longer Peter’s protegee but his peer.

The ending of Spider-Man: Miles Morales
The ending of Spider-Man: Miles Morales firmly establishes Miles as his own Spider-Man and ensures his place in the sequel. Regardless of Peter’s role in the game (which will probably be significant, given his popularity, story potential, and new face), Miles will likely be a central figure, teaming up with his fellow Spider-Man. Aside from setting up Miles’ role, Spider-Man: Miles Morales contains other elements that foreshadow the series' future. 2018’s Marvel’s Spider-Man contained a major cliffhanger in its after credit's scene: It revealed that Harry Osborne, who is sick with a deadly disease, has merged with a symbiote as a part of his treatment. At the time of the scene, Harry is secure within a vat, kept in a coma-like state. The mid-credits sequence of Miles Morales shows a restless Norman Osborn demanding his son be released, setting the stage for the symbiote's introduction into Insomniac’s Spider-Man universe, as well as the emergence of a new, personal villain in the form of a symbiote-infected Harry.
The doctor treating Harry is also shown to be Dr. Curt Connors
The doctor treating Harry is also shown to be Dr. Curt Connors. In the comics, Curt is a mentor to Peter, and he eventually becomes the villainous Lizard after an experiment to replace his lost arm goes awry. Curt had not previously been seen in Insomniac's Spider-Man universe, so his inclusion is no accident. The Lizard could very well make an appearance in Spider-Man 2.
Graphics and Sound
Lasting Appeal

Dagersystem is a gaming website that focuses on helping the disabled get access to the gaming community. Spider-Man Miles Morales has proven its value with the win at the Diamond Award Winner of 2020.


Insomniac shows how they care by adding customizable color palettes to increase subtitle accessibility . Combo-shortcuts were also added to increase combat accessibility. Everybody deserves to have the best experience as SpiderMan, and helping the disabled seems to align with Miles Morales’ specialty.

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